Wounded souls


Everyone wants to appear tough, unaffected by whatever life throws at them. We were taught that fear is a weakness, raised to believe that men don't cry. But what if it's the only relief ?

There is no manual for life though. I mean, who's to decide that showing emotions makes you vulnerable ?

We all have our fair share of good and bad days, but there's always just a couple of emotions that mainly define each soul. Some are happy, others are simply surviving and some are just.. lost. However, looking on the exterior, you'll probably never be able to tell them apart; for every soul's hiding in its vessel, mostly pretending to be happy. But what if we can actually see past that vessel and into the soul, would it make a difference ?

God gave life to Eve because Adam was lonely, so why are we afraid to admit we feel alone?

I strongly believe that some souls have been put on earth for nothing but to make up for some of its cruelty. So why hide away? Maybe you'll stumble upon one.

Don't you wanna fill that void that grows within you with each passing day? Find out what's that nagging feeling for an unknown passion, discover what your soul's been longing for?

Perhaps we need to lower our guards and loosen up a bit. No need to feel insecure about who you really are. Open up to life and let people in. Allow the healing souls of the world to find the wounded ones.

Kareen Refaat. 

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